Opinion: New women's issues, new challenges
Only 3% of tech startups are formed by women. We have a responsibility to improve our current labor trafficking laws. What they accomplished deserves more than a nod and lip service. Runaway youth come to Los Angeles to find stardom or a warm place to sleep on the street, but many will be exploited through pornography, a thriving industry in the San Fernando Valley. Women are increasingly becoming the sole or primary earners in their household, so economic issues that hold women back have huge impact on our entire economy. Financially desperate adults are lured to Los Angeles by traffickers, only to be forced to work as laborers in Southern California's agricultural sector. We must honor them by making our generation's mark on the concerns facing women today. Instead of telling women that they're doing just fine, we need legi slators who are going to fight for students so they can attain the degrees they want and enter chosen professions without an insurmountable amount o...